Our Culture



Zaha Hadid

ER2 is more than just a business. We’re a family.

What makes us who we are at ER2 Image Group and why are we wired in a special way that sets us apart from others? It’s a company that started as a family but as we grew, we quickly realized that family includes all the people under our roof who believe in creating something bigger than any one of us. We feel a responsibility to do right for not only them but also for their own spouses, partners and children.

Our Culture Is Different

Within the ER2 culture, you’ll find our people have a special mentality in which every project is an opportunity to showcase the talent, attention to detail, inspiration and care that we’re known for.

pedal to the metal

You’ll find that mindset of team first throughout our environment, where collaboration is always revved up high for new ideas to grow and a breakthrough can come from anyone in the company, regardless of where they sit and what title they have. It’s an inclusive environment where anyone and everyone can thrive.

Celebrate good times

We know how to celebrate as a team too. When a newborn arrives, a long-time employee retires or the anniversary of someone’s tenure at ER2 is here, we feel that joy across this wonderful community we’ve built. And when we win new accounts or have recently completed a stellar piece of work, we champion the skills of those who helped make it happen.