When Great Design And Great Materials Meet, There’s A Space Where

Magic Happens

Production teams. Designers. Print Operators. Seamstresses. Fabricators. Project Directors.

Each is fueled by a dedication to environmental graphic design and a passion for understanding the science behind every design.

We bring this to the table at Applied Surfaces, a division of ER2 Image Group.

When a design is brilliantly executed, we believe it can do incredible things. It can trigger emotions. It can set the tone for business relationships. It can even have an impact on our overall health and well-being. And we have the mindset to envision how all those elements will work together long before they’re part of your space.

our experience informs everything

The experience of where we’ve been combined with the awe-inspiring projects we’re creating today is why designers want our team’s voices in the room to recommend innovative materials, make essential decisions on print technology, dissect all the components and create the best approach possible for moving forward.

A new story is around the corner

Applied Surfaces is built upon the vision of Jason Dillas and the foundation that comes with ER2 Image Group’s 30+ years of delivering bold, powerful, always inspiring results. There’s probably a new story to be told even while you’re reading this.

Let's get to work