ER2 Gives Fox Valley Students A Glimpse Of Their Exciting Future

Fox Valley Career Center (FVCC) provides vocational training to high school students in the various towns surrounding ER2 Image Group. These students are following their passions to learn computer technologies, criminal justice, health occupations and more through a variety of FVCC programs.

In fact, the only thing better than helping a student realize their options in a career is having them view what that career looks like in action.

To showcase some of the very same careers Fox Valley Career Center’s graphic design students have been educated about every day, ER2 Image Group was proud to provide a tour that enabled each student to view our environment up close, including some of ER2’s equipment, processes and technology.

The students were also able to interact with many of our team members to gain greater insight into their roles and past experience.

For example:

  • In the Sales & Design Department, Joel Gonzales walked students through prepress and showed a 3D printer in mid-production.
  • In the Production area, Adam Wagner fired up all the equipment so we could highlight the features of our machines and the processes we put in motion to work remarkably well as a team.
  • As part of a Vehicle Wrap demo, Arkadiusz Marciniak exhibited the profound detail and discipline required to make each vehicle have a look that’s consistent with the brand while telling its own exciting story on four wheels.

Did the tour and team conversations have an impact on the students? We can say this much. If the response by their teacher is any indication, it surely did:

“WOW, just WOW!

Your tour today lit a fire for my students and your team will have a lasting impact on what type of environment they want to be a part of. It is very clear why your company is successful and I cannot express enough thanks for your preparation for today and for clearing as much time as you did for us. That cannot be easy with the amount of work you have yet you made it look effortless.

We’ll have discussions tomorrow about hospitality, customer service, work environment, and of course, all of the technology they had a chance to see in action.

Again, thank you!”

Nikki Larsen,
Fox Valley Career Center

Graphic Communications Instructor

We appreciate the students at Fox Valley Career Center for stepping into our world at ER2 Image Group and allowing us to open their minds to how they may best apply their talents from here. Hopefully, we gave them a very long list of terrific things about their futures to think about.

If you have a school or group that you believe would benefit from a tour of our facilities at ER2 Image Group, give us a call at 630-980-4567 or send an email to [email protected].