Crowd Control: 5 Ways Directional Signage Can Save The Day

With ultra-large banners, giant billboards and other types of “main feature” event graphics, it’s easy for directional signage at the site of your event or building to feel like an afterthought.

And that’s precisely where confusion in the crowd can occur.

Directional signage, like the kind you see here that we recently produced for a multi-level mall downtown on Michigan Avenue, works great for funneling a large crowd to your destination.

Of course, you probably guessed that. But here are three more effects of strong directional signage that can create a very positive impact for you which you may not have considered.

It also alleviates the pressure on your support staff to be giving directions on a rapid-fire basis. Can you imagine this type of poor representative being forced to devote all of their energy and time on answering the same “where do I go for…” question over and over again when a few prominent directional signs can accomplish the task with relative ease?

When your resources are stretched as it is, you have only a few seconds to point the audience in the right direction, which may also include upselling opportunities (“Team Merchandise This Way!”). Let’s take a sporting event, for example. Sure, you want them to find their seat but are you ensuring every possibility that they’ll spend time in the other valuable destinations you want them to go? This is particularly important when it comes to event sponsors or building advertisers, who need foot traffic to feel that their participation is a worthwhile endeavor.

A clearer direction can mean a better customer experience too. In the age of social media where people can take to social networks to provide an online review – right from their smartphone in that moment – you can’t afford to let that review be a bad one. Especially if you plan on creating a similar type of experience in the future. The faster they get from point A to point B, the more likely they can post good things about the destination rather than how getting around is a headache.

Remember, from custom metal to signs that employ QR codes, directional signage can be beautiful too. Take advantage of the opportunity to let this underutilized element of your destination shine. It’s the little things like a unique sign pointing people in the right direction that leaves quite the memorable impression. Hey, just because you’re moving them right along doesn’t mean they can’t stop for a second or two to admire your sign.

To learn more about how directional signage can work wonders at your next indoor or outdoor event, call Gary Schellerer at 630.893.4450 or IM “garycschellerer.”